If you’re a blogger or writer who has been trolled, please raise your hand.
I get, it happens, you work online and have your life in the public sphere – you should expect it right?
Well, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Recently I got a really negative comment on the blog from a troll who I’m pretty sure changed his/her name but generally wrote me twice the same thing about how she didn’t think I was telling my readers the truth about Italians, well more specifically Florentines. How rude they are, how they treat foreigners, especially Americans, like shit. My happiness with an also non-foreigner annoyed her and in the second comment on this post that I decided not to publish, instead I will post it here.
‘Who is this guy? He is FRENCH. you are AMERICAN. No matter how well you have learned the Italian language and how well you have mastered the hand gestures (omg, so cringe-worthy) neither of you will ever be Italian, and more specifically neither of you will ever be Florentine. To say that people need to prove themselves to anybody, regardless of where they are in the world would need to signify that there is something worth having at the end of the struggle. What prize does anyone get for suffering through their racism, rudeness, money-grabbing and absurd aloofness? Their friendship? No thanks! Worthless Prize 😉 Prove ourselves??? Are you serious?? Get a grip! On the positive side you and this guy are well matched – both of you are equally deluded. You should think about telling people the truth about Florence so that they know what to expect in reality, especially Americans who are all completely shell-shocked by the rudeness in Florence which totally ruins the experience, and every single one of the Americans I have met have left Florence with the same story and the same bad experiences. And that’s only the Americans. Other nationalities don’t escape the bad treatment from Florentine people and all have the same story of experiencing extreme racism. Pretty pictures but you are not an honest blogger.’
Besides the fact that it is so absolutely rude and hateful. I ‘love’ when people tell me, that my nine years living in Italy is false, and that I am not entitled to share my own personal opinion. I do believe that I am very honest with reader’s expectations, especially posts about what it is like to move here, and really live in and work in Italy.
What is a Florentine anyway? Every day I am here it feels like it has become more multicultural and changing every single day. Sure it’s slow, but I see it. Many of my Italian friends are in relationships with foreigners and all sorts of stores, restaurants, concepts are challenging the more traditional ways people are seeing themselves here, which is cool.
On a more personal note, my thoughts about this is, I never presumed to be anything else other than me.
Ok, I like saying a ‘Tuscan Texan’ and often muddle my phrases with Italian, hearing Nico and I talk is downright confusing. But my passport is blue, I like pop-tarts, played in abandoned derelict houses as a kid, moved out at 18. I know that I never get confused as una Italiana and guess what, I am 100% ok with that. I talked about this with Misty, part of the COSI Blogger roundtable who wrote this post ‘Sigh, The World is Full of Assholes.’
So on the commenter above, aka Natalia’s behalf, I am dedicated this post to her. 29 Ways to Tell If You Are Becoming a Florentine, because sometimes we foreigners in Florence like to act like locals from time to time, sometimes terribly. And please, Italians, Tuscan Americans, German African Florentines, Greek Russian Toscani, feel free to comment and let me know what you would have added to this list.
1. If you start saying that every festival or event was ‘’era meglio prima” (everything was better in previous years). Nostalgia is a strong feeling here.
2. If your plans are revolved around when the Fiorentina plays. Otherwise, your boyfriend will never come to dinner during games. You know the drill.
3. If you know, have seen or met the ‘walking Dante’ who recites poetry on city corners in his long black cape. His shoes change according to season.

4. You love the street signs modified by street artist Clet and often take pictures or share his news on Facebook. There are plenty other street artists you’ll notice too, like scuba-diving famous figures. That’s Blub y’all!

5. If you talk frequently about panini al lampredotto and trippa (animal intestines that are near and dear to any local) traditions to any foreigner even if you don’t really like it yourself (I am in this category). For those who DO love it, read this post from Jul’s Kitchen written by Emiko Davies on Florentine’s most famous street food. Also your favorite cocktail? A negroni naturally!
6. If your gelato preferences rival how Michelin star chefs are selected in France. ‘Gelato snobbery’ is ripe and saying you like the wrong place can cause judgement for years. If you really want to piss someone off, tell them you only ever buy gelato from the same places that offer waffles to tourists.

7. If you met, kissed or almost got puked on by someone in Space club, the old ‘Central Park’ disco and Dolce Zucchero, or Red Garter. Perhaps you even knew about Meccano and how it was supposedly burned down by the ex-Central park owners. And your Italian parents talk about visiting the Red Garter.
8. If you know the story of a window that is always open in the far right window on the second floor of the Palazzo Budini-Gattai in Piazza Santissima Annunziata. A ghost is always there waiting for her husband to come home, which you can read more about here.

9. While cleaning the floor you might mutter something like ‘devo dare il cencio” which unfortunately gets me mixed up with a delicious carnival treat. Oh yeah and don’t forget that watermelon is cocomero (local dialect) not anguria (the actual Italian word). Also the letter ‘c’ often gets replaced with ‘h’, coca cola anyone? Nope it’s ‘hoha hola’ to you ;-).
10. You know about the ‘cornuto’ or Bull’s head on the Duomo cathedral’s facade. Legend has it that the wife of a baker living in front was having a long affair with a carpenter who was working on the cathedral, who then put this bull’s head to remind the guy of being ‘cuckolded’. You can read more about this tale here.

11. Or if you want to refer to that person in the group that always gets up to go to the bathroom when the bill arrives to the table as cheap, you’ll probably mutter ‘tirchio‘. And here you’ll want to say that they ‘hai i braccini corti o le tagliole in tasca‘ (have ‘short’ arms or something in their wallets).
12. You’ve been hearing about the city expanding the tramvia system beyond Scandicci for years but it seems likely to happen when humans can reasonably inhabit on Mars. One day guys, un giorno..
13. If you’ve grown up here but still have never been to the Uffizi Gallery, the Medici Chapels or other famous monuments. Always later or during the first free Sunday of the month when everyone else decides to go too.
14. If you shop for your fruit and veggies at the Sant. Ambrogio morning market and not grocery stores, unless you are collecting punti, which must be guarded at all costs.
15. The word ‘mi garba’ replaces ‘mi piace’ (I like) to which you totally accept and ask for a plate or ribollita. I say this at least five times a day.
16. If you’ve gotten pissed about how long the number 14 ATAF bus line runs, a ridiculously long bus line from the hospital on one end of the town, all the way to Girone. And when it rains, you might make it to Moscow on foot sooner.
17. You’ve had an after dinner/late night drink standing in the freezing cold at a kiosk by the river or deserted square at night, just because. Perhaps this was after you had partaken in Rifrullo’s apertivo buffet.
18. You’ve gotten mad at someone, like a bus driver, and replied angrily with a M’IMPORTA UNA SEGA. Basically a very ‘interesting’ way to say that you don’t give a damn.
19. You have a ‘giglio’ (lilly) somewhere either on your body, in your house or better yet on your carnival pastry!!

21. When you are convinced that the best food is not only simple, but that also originally comes from the time when Italy wasn’t the rich power that it is today (some might argue that it isn’t still but I think you get my drift). Dishes like ‘Pappa al pomodoro’ made with stale bread (without salt), tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil and fresh basil and ribollita made with bread, beans and vegetables.
22. You will invite a friend from Livorno and one from Pisa and ask what could possibly be the difference between the two places. This is cruel.
23. You have tried to count the bee’s surrounding the Queen on the Equestrian Monument to the Grand Duke Ferdinand I, Medici (hint. There’s 91!)
24. If you know that getting your groceries at Coop or Esselunga on Saturday is like entering Dante’s seventh circle of hell, yet you do it anyway. WHY? Especially now that they offer delivery to your door.
25. If you eat bread without salt and claim it’s the best bread in the world. Toasted bread with new olive oil and (maybe) garlic is the best snack you could ever imagine. Especially in November.
26. If you’ve been offered light illegal substances in piazza ss. maria annuziata by ‘i’ Malva’. Florentine website TeLeDoIoFirenze actually wrote a brilliant post including him as one of the four ‘characters’ in Florence.
Other ‘Florentine’ Resources
One of my favorite features of The Florentine is most definitely the ‘florentinisms’ section which give you insight on local slang. Or check out a facebook page dedicated to ‘You are from Florence if..”
On Trolls
Fellow bloggers, writers or for anyone who has been trolled, I highly recommend you listening to this podcast by NPR’s This American Life, If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS. Seriously, brilliant.
64 Responses
Brilliant Georgette, just brilliant! And, as I think you know, you just showed the world what a Florentine you truly are! Brava!
Thank you Elyssa, that was the best comment I could have every hoped to here ;-).
I Agreed with Elyssa – Keep ‘being you’, you’re the only version of “you” the world will ever know – its true for all of us. We could all learn something by seeing the world through another person’s eyes. I do not live in Florence, but stayed there for a short time ( a month) and fell in love withthe city and the people ( yes there are cultural differences, disagreements, different perspectives) this is true wherever you go in the world! But honestly, no one was ever rude to me. I witnessed a few small incidents, but nothing to get excited about…….I love Florentines.
Thanks Penny, your comment is very kind and I agree with you. Obviously you will find rude people anywhere in the world, regardless of the country they are from or the language they speak, You will also find the same when it comes to generosity and kindness. I love Florentines too
You are doing the right thing, rising above the stupid comments from that troll. Keep on writing your fascinating blogs and so what, if you sometimes mistake a Florentine’s actions does it really matter? You love the city and its inhabitants so good luck to you and go out there and enjoy all that that lovely place has to offer. Yeah, I’ve met rudeness there too, but guess what, I’ve met worse in NYC and as for LA! As soon as you meet Immigration at Lax you know you’re in for a hard time. I’m just back from Milano, icy cold, but lovely Italians made it seem warm.
Thank you Mari, your comment means a lot. I know that many people get it much worse, just ask my friend Misty from Surviving in Italy for example. But I guess I didn’t want to just delete this and be on with it. I thought, why not make it public and write a fun post at the same time, especially since this person felt the need to insult both my boyfriend and I. I have had my ups & downs here too, like anyone else who is living in another culture, but it definitely is outweighed by the positives which I tend to write about a lot more. I used to live in Los Angeles and I know what you mean.. Glad that you have a great time in Milan!
Trolls need to… get a life.
I loved your list, my favorite was getting ‘un pisano’ e ‘un livornese’ in the same room LOL.
Lovely to finally meet you. Not an isolated event, because it will be followed by several Florence day trips 🙂
Elenora, they really do! I wanted to write this list for some time and so this girl gave me a reason. And I learned about this whole pisa/livorno thing from a friend in Elba. It’s pretty funny, I suppose you could say the same for those from Siena and Florence. I am so happy we met too, you are so lovely and the food tour we did was a lot of fun! Please do come, Florence is a hop, skip and a jump away!
Ouch on the hater. As is often the way, the message says more about the speaker than the audience. I have been fortunate that for all the Florentine (native or immigrant) playboys that I have come across in the Renaissance City, I have met far more lovely Florentines (native, I mean). I have been surprised at how loving and kind and supportive they have been of me.
I do not want to make any judgements on why some people seem to have nasty experiences more than others because I really do not have enough information to have a formed opinion. However, I cannot help but wonder how someone can make such specifically nasty remarks on any one group of people. It makes me sad to see such nastiness directed towards you or anyone else who is just trying to share their own personal experiences.
I love Firenze, too, but I can tell that my experiences in the city are different from yours even. No better or worse, just full of different activities and experiences. I suspect that is normal. Good luck and good for you for standing up for your own expressions.
I agree with you Kelly, people here are well, people. Some are nice, some aren’t, and Florence is some tiny Tuscany town but a tiny place that is full of a ton of people moving in and out daily. Plus, it’s hard to want to make friends with people who you know will be leaving so it makes sense in Florentines can be a little standoffish, perhaps they just don’t want to get hurt? I can feel myself becoming like that at times. I thought about trying to reason with the troll (why I have no idea) but I remembered that this isn’t about me, really. I really loved the latest NPR This American Life’s podcast about this very subject and someone confronting her troll, it sort of inspired me to write this post. Thank you for reading and commenting!
J’aime beaucoup lire tes posts, voir tes jolies photos! merci de me faire voyager en Italie quand je n’y suis pas en juillet et août…merci!!!!!!
merci a toi Katia!!!
If I were you I would not give these trolls the time of day or the satisfaction that their comments mean a damn. Small minded, pea for a brain, and a big mouth perfectly describes them. RUDENESS is evident everywhere one travels and is best met with a smile and extreme politeness, to which they have no answer. I ENJOY your view of Florence and other areas of Italian life, and it is apparent others do too. Keep smiling.
thank you Michael!
Brilliant! I loved this list. 😛
Thank you! <3
Love this list! What an ugly comment. My husand and I spent three months in Italy last year and I read your blog before and during our trip. For me, it was a tremendous source of insight and humor – it helped me navigate Florence and painted a realistic picture of Italian culture. I’m grateful you were there! Did every Florentine roll out the red carpet? Nope. Did we meet some less-than-hospitable folks? Yep. And we met some of the kindest, most generous people imaginable. We didn’t come to Italy expecting the United States – why bother traveling if you’re not open to the unique experiences of that country? Sheesh. I’ll keep reading your posts and we’ll be back someday!
Grazie Joanna, I’m happy that my site helped – that’s what I truly hope when writing these (sometimes too long) posts. Like any destination, every experience is unique. People love to say that the French are rude (more Paris) but I have had exceptional service there too. The more you travel, the more you experience, the more you do it SLOWLY, the more you see just how similar we all are. Especially with feelings.. I hope you do come back someday
Great post and as usual lots of great information mixed with humour. As you mentioned about the cosmopolitan nature of Florence, it is the same in all cities around the world now. The word foreigner or “stranieri” seems very outdated and I think some people cling to this idea more than others I fear. This ” us against them” mentality is so draining and totally detrimental to cultural understanding and tolerance. When these people are vocal with their hatred it just makes others more determined to embrace the differences!
You said it best, I feel like the times have been changing for over 30+ years here now and I just don’t see the point of putting us all in unnecessary categories. I ‘feel’ like a local here, like I belong and whether that means that I am ‘Italian’ is irrelevant. I speak the language, love the culture, pay taxes here, get jobs – lose jobs, it feels more of a home than anywhere previously. Thank you for your insightful comment.
Another great article that makes me feel connected to this city I love and can’t wait to return to..
Misty says “assholes”
and I totally agree. She is just an asshole and everybody around her recognizes it. Especially the Florentines.
Thank you Erin, I’m not sure if this troll is really a girl but hey, you never know! The comment is just scary similar to the last one left on Nico’s interview.
OOh, as a florentine wannabe, I have always loved the expressions like mi garba or bischero, but alas I am from another part of italy and people would look at me in a weird sort of way if I did 😛 At least I can show that I was a florentine in another life by truthfully claiming that I like lampredotto 😀
Marcello I say go for it and say the phrases anyway. The first time I was in Pisa for a blog tour, I kept muttering ‘che scherzi davvero’ which is like ‘you kidding me’ and everyone knew exactly where I learned my Italian despite the fact that I was only an hour away from Florence. Power to you for liking lampredotto, I’m not a huge fan myself.
Reads as if that troll has a really bad experience in Italy, much different from yours. Pity.
That expression about having short arms is priceless.
The amount of phrases there are for people who are cheap could fill a book and I love them all, ‘crabs in pockets’, ‘short arms’, you gotta love the Florentines!
Great come back! I’m lucky enough (or not widely read enough ha) to have avoided trolls so far but some people definitely need to relax a little bit! Loved the list although I will never ever agree about the salt-less bread! 🙂 xxx
Hi Lucy,
I was thinking the same thing, so far I have been lucky enough not to be trolled.
Maybe my little blog of madness is only read by my friends and family 🙂
PS Georgette, it is a great post especially the bulls head on the church
Not getting any crazy comments is a great thing, I like your site! The salt less bread is always a fun one to bring up during debates. I have personally gone back and forth on this one.
Go Georgette! Don’t listen to the troll. You’re fabulous.
Haha thank you Audra, you are too! I’m so excited for all the awesome things that are coming your way
Awesome post G! Don’t let this person(or anyone else) get the best of you! Sadly, I used to frequent the red garter…
Hello Cindy! Thank you so much. I actually had a fun karaoke night at the red garter probably about a year ago so hey, if you’re looking for a slice of America, I won’t crucify you ;-).
I NEVER comment on blog sites however as I sit here in Australia reading the comment from the ‘Evil Hater’ I am completely astounded at her rudeness and inaccuracy. Although I have not been fortunate to have lived in beautiful Firenze I have visited a few times and found the locals to be bend-over-backwards friendly. They could not be nicer if you paid them. I love, love, love everything about Florence – the history, the art, the architecture, the culture, the food – and find the locals cement all these elements together into one fabulous travel experience. How wrong that person is!
Hello Ann, first of all THANK you for commenting on mine, that is very humbling and I appreciate you making that extra effort. I also was pretty shocked at her comment, personal insults inside more so because I wondered what could have possibly have happened to color her ideas on Florence in this way. Most people I have met here go out of their way if anything, it’s really more ‘your’ attitude that effects how people treat you (this applies anywhere).
Keep doing what your are doing, its a great job. Who don’t like it, need to move on and not read your blog.
Every November when we visit Firenze, we marvel at how toasted, salt-less bread, with olio and pomodorini can taste like heaven….Life is too short to not enjoy every place on earth, especially one as special as Firenze. We return year after year, have made friendships that are important to us, welcomed the new babies of our friends, and had friends pass away….for us, Italy is like having another “home”- with extra friends and family that welcome us happily into their lives again each year. Sad that others don’t enjoy the same experiences.
OMG! Is it true that there are people born and bred in Florence who haven’t been to the Uffizi?? Shocking! What? Not even on a school trip?
Great post and a fabulous list!
As for the troll – meh! Not worth it.
Best wishes,
You write with a zest for life, and spread joy. Shame on anyone who tries to squash joy in a world that need it so badly!
Oh this is so wonderful – exactly what I needed to pick-me-up from a morning of ITALIAN BUS HELL!! #24 made me absolutely howl!
Personally I love reading about expat experiences because you all (or y’all, right?) have the time and day to day interactions needed to pick up on things under the surface in your new home – things that casual visitors just don’t have the time to notice. Having perspective on two or more cultures, you can be more reflective and critical of each and translate the idiosyncrasies back and forth for the rest of us. And I guess more importantly since you live in Florence, you can’t just throw up your arms and complain about the post office (unless you’re just making fun of it), you have to roll with the experience.
Your blog is awesome and I love your perspective and adventures! No doubt there is an elegant Italian way to say this, but as we say in the States: haters gotta hate.
I’ve born and always lived in Florence since I was born. I have some thoughts regarding the initial “j’accuse” you reported and that was left in a comment.
I admit most of us could be perceived as a bit unfriendly or less warm than expected by people outside Florence and especially outside Tuscany (I know it has been reported by Italians, especially from the warmer southern regions). We need much more time to open up than people of other Italian towns, that could be, and is, a disappointment for many.
I know some Italians and foreigners are shocked by the brutally sincere words sometimes/often gush out from our mouths. 🙂 I’m not referring just to the blaspheming of deities for which we Tuscans are famous among the Italians. Sometimes we’re too straight and less soft with our feelings, many of us are used to candid speech — I don’t know if those are the right words, sorry, we say “parlare schietto” — or we simply like to play a role to see if the other is smart enough not to take offence (being offended by words is considered a southern behaviour).
Sometimes we like to show a bit of rudeness, but as a joke, an acting, it’s not hate or anything personal. We usually tend to avoid it with foreign tourists to prevent misunderstanding (but I can’t speak for every single case, obviously). I don’t know what caused the outburst, if it was caused by Florentine people or people working&living here (most of the shops where tourist go are not owned by Florentines, and I doubt she’s able to tell the difference). But obviously something did not work as expected, could be wrong expectations (supposing Florence is like the typical Italian stereotyped city in Hollywood films, err… movies, where people smile and sing “O sole mio” all the day) or unfortunate encounters with local turds result of bad choices or misfortune — or planned punishment by God if you believe in those things.
I believe that the most of us try our best to accommodate and being polite at maximum to foreign tourists, as they could easily take offence coming from a different cultural background, or simply for the language barrier. And we don’t want that to happen (well, usually), but I guess sometimes it does happen (wanted or not). Don’t be offended if you don’t deserve it, but let’s be honest, someone could deserve and it could be you. In the latter case, please take offence. :-p
Anyway, it’s many things but not “racism” as she wrote.
I wish she’s able to come back and have a different, better, experience and change her opinion. If not, well, we’ll survive anyhow as we’ve done since a few centuries. As an old Florentine saying states, “Firenze, città d’arte, va in culo a viene ed a chi parte” (better not to translate this one, ahah).
Finally, if some people are always exceptionally rude but not morons, try to enjoy their characteristic as something peculiar. Some less touristy places are famous among us for owners who show an impolite behaviour toward their customers, and we really appreciate their unique touch, it’s funny, it’s expected, we don’t take offence! When you find people here that are both rude and moron, then don’t take offence as well, instead simply ignore them.
My favourite trippaio is a fatty surly, and I love him!
I wish that I was able to properly explain this aspect of my town, but I’m not really satisfied, I was going to delete everything, I should have wrote better than this. Sorry I know that my English literacy has many gaps and flaws.
Ah, I was forgetting the most important thing: your list is really “azzeccata”! Nailed it! 😀
(but you have to try a better trippaio). While writing this, I’ve read three articles and I’ve bookmarked your blog, complimenti!
A final note: it’s “i’ Malva”, not “l’ Malva”. In Florentine spoken language we elide the L when pronouncing “il Malva”.
Ciao Carlo, what a delight to see your long and really interesting comment, thank you! I was hoping that a local would jump in this discussion and give their own two cents so really made my Friday better. I think your explanations were spot on, from my experience, Florentines are quite funny and sarcastic so I could see how that could come across as ‘rude’ depending on the person. I think she needs to come back and stay awhile and enter into the ‘delusion’ that I so happily accept. Florentines have been some of the kindest, nicest people I have come across. I wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t my experience. Btw your quote in Italian above… lol. I think I will let that be open to interpretation. I will definitely note your favorite trippaio, I’m not a huge fan but I still have a chance of being converted. Also your English is excellent and I understand you wrote so please don’t be deterred to comment and share your thoughts in the future. Thanks for letting me know about ‘Malva’ I will change that asap! grazie ancora
As a part Italian Australian who owns a house in Italy and travels there frequently, I have a different perspective on the country and people than do many other foreigners.I found some of your observations about Florence gently amusing, and good luck to you in your quest to become one of ‘them’. I shall point my young son in the direction of your blog when he goes over there to do Italian next year.
However, I don’t think that the post that initiated your reply was particularly rude at all. I think she was being brutally honest about her own experiences in Florence , which were obviously very different from yours.
Florence is a city with many different layers, as are all large cities. It has an entrenched establishment ,as well as large transient population, it has a lot of quite bad petty crime and and life in such a place cannot be compared to say, a quiet country village, where life is completely different and in many other ways interesting and fun, where you can leave your door open and people are very friendly. The whole of Italy has many layers, which is why it is such an interesting place, although we all have our frustrations, because italian officialdom and tendency to official self importance is appalling.
As a blogger you can’t afford to be so sensitive. Oh by the way I am a professional columnist, on the largest circulation newspaper in Australia. I receive reams of mail, and letters published about me, and frankly if i hadn’t been able to stand the heat i would have vacated the kitchen long ago. cheers.
Hello Angela, I thank you for your comment and for your thoughts about my blog, especially honored that you found time to write. I always appreciate seeing things from another perspective even if it differs than mine and I take every comment seriously. I could see where you might think the comment wasn’t rude, and honestly I wouldn’t have thought anything of it if she hasn’t said my boyfriend and I were ‘equally deluded’ on our thoughts about living in Italy and that we would never be Florentines. I really resent when people tell me, on my website, what I am supposed to feel or say about life here. I’ve been living here for nine years which I think counts for something. I work with Italians, I speak Italian, I was in a relationship for over 7 years with a Florentine and I know this city. It is not a small country village, but Florence isn’t this dangerous scary place that some people say it is. This is also could be colored by the fact I grew up in Texas and lived in Los Angeles, both of which have a significantly higher rate of not only petty crime, but violent crime. If you look at the interview that I link this article, you’ll see that I actually replied and responded to a previous negative comment. You are 100% right that you can’t afford to be sensitive but it wasn’t about that for me, I just wanted to start a conversation about this on the blog and I think that’s what managed to happen :).
As a born and raised Texan currently living in a small, close-knit German Heritage town in the Texas Hill Country , I’m aware of how “outsiders” can be treated…anywhere.
But choosing to return to Italia, again and again…and specifically Firenze, speaks to how welcome I feel. Two summers ago, I spent 40 days roaming the beautiful country. I wrote a blog during my adventure, and if you read (girlinroam), I think you will find 1 account where someone was not kind to me…one out of hundreds. I have not even left the house today and have “met” 1 very petty, unkind person right here on your blog…Ciao “Natalia”. One of the wisdoms I have learned over the years is so often one gets what one gives out. That surely is the explanation in “Natalia’s” case. She receives what she sows and will no doubt continue to. In June, I will once again return to Italia for an extended vaca, I know I will smile and shake my head often, thankful for the kindness of strangers.
And Georgette…Salute! to you and yours for LIVING…and remember, jealousy speaks of those jealous, not their targets.
I suspect the “Natalia’s” experiences in Florence at pretty much her experience everywhere she goes…..her tone and her word choice persuade me that she brings the rudeness with her.
Loved your “29 ways”…..will be using them as a checklist to monitor my progress once I arrive!
Good for you for calling this out. You don’t need to prove yourself to anybody and the haters are going to hate. Jealousy is a terrible thing. Keep up the good work ; )
Hi GG! Love this post. I will forgive your love of pop tarts. 😉 And this troll obviously has a lot of time on their hands- maybe they should start their own blog since they seem to have it all figured out, yeah? It reminds me of the moral of the story from L’Volpe e L’Uva (The Fox and the Grapes) “It is easy to despise what you cannot attain.” And if gelato is 100% okay in the winter, then call me Fiorentina for life!
Thank you Coral! haha if you can forgive me, that would be great ;-). I like that quote, I’ve never heard that before yet it really truly rings true. I just don’t get silly comments that really don’t make that much sense online. bacione my fellow gelato in winter lover
Great post, very interesting and true facts about the city and living in Florence. I think I am half way to becoming ‘Florentine’!
Dear Girl in Florence,
I am Filipino and come from the Philippines, a tiny developing Asian country. I have been visiting Florence every year since 2014 for 2-3 weeks to study art. In the afternoons, I wander along the Arno and the Oltrarno, enjoying local scenes of Florentines enjoying espresso or practicing their art and crafts. I have never felt any rudeness from the Florentines, even if my broken Italian sounds more like elementary, rusty Spanish…they are a warm people. Florence has become a home away from home to me.
Thank you for your wonderful posts of your experiences in Florence. I hope that those who have felt any rudeness on their Florentine experience will find the same kindnesses and more that we find in Florence.
I wish you love, love and more love!
Wow! People like that are treated that way for a reason. How sad that this is their preferred method of having fun. Keplin writing I live it and I know there are a lot more of us than of him.
Thank you Chris, I really appreciate your comment. At the time, the words really stung, but obviously when you work online you have to develop a bit of a thick skin about these things…
i meant Keep writing. Dang!
Thanks for the tips about the open window and the bull’s head. It’s so easy to miss these little things. As for the troll – nil carborundum!
love your blog. Love Italy. Love Florence. My family and I have been traveling to Italy and especially Florence for years and have met nothing but wonderful, warm, and genuine people. I am sorry for your troll. She is sadly missing out.
Thank you so much Kathleen! Your kind comment made my day!
Love this! Loving all of your articles and the trolls are around to just be annoying. Ignore them. My husband and I enjoyed Florance this last December and it was the best trip ever. When I read your writing I go right back there in my mind and heart. Keep it up!
I admire your enthusiasm and love for Florence is brilliant, but in some way I agree with the mean troll” as you called him or her” I’m a mexican who lived in Canada for 10 years, now I have been inFlorence for 5 years, I love it, the culture, the food the landscape is all magical, is a mix of ugly and beautiful every day in Florence, but true enough I have never encountered in my life rudeness like in the fiorentines, Im used to it by now, some people are awesome but if you come from Mexico or Canada you will be disappointed by the treatment of people in a day to day basis, and it’s true! If you are not born italian you will never ever be considered itslian! Even with italian passport, but when one loves Florence is impossible to leave it,
Thank you Patricia. I completely acknowledge that everyone has their own experiences and all I have are mine. Hence my problem with the person posting was that they were stating things as if they were “fact” when I, who has lived here for some time, have not personally experienced that on such a basis that it has colored my time here. I’m from the USA, just came back from Mexico and to be honest, while yes customer service varies, I’ve had pretty amazing experiences here too on the generosity front. Of course, that is my personal opinion :).
Great Post. I actually discovered things I did not know about my own city ?
That just made my day 😀
Well done, this post shows that you do not need to be born somewhere to feel and be part of a city, a community!
To this hater I would say: “gran bella figura di …” XD