I love getting emails from you guys, every time I see a message from someone who reads the blog and finds my tips useful to them in some way, I’m thrilled. When I can, I try and help which is why I encourage you to email me or send me a message on Facebook. The latest question came from a friend, Cara (who is a talented musician), who told me she was having issues finding extensive tips online for vocabulary regarding getting a haircut in Italy and that I should cover this on the blog.
Why didn’t I think of this before?
Getting a haircut, color, style in a foreign country is always a bit of a challenge. Even if you consider yourself an ‘Italian stallion’ with the local language, it’s pretty likely that you may not know the word for ‘trim.’ I have almost been at risk of getting a 1980’s mullet style haircut from stylists that insisted that ‘I have the face for it’ but luckily I was saved by the former hair gods of lionel richie.
First phrase to learn ” Per favore, non mi faccia un taglio da McGyver”. I think you can figure this one out ;-).
I never really understood why some friends felt the need to wait until their next trip home to get their hair done out of fear of getting ‘shear-shocked’ because I generally find hairstylists to be quite good. While girls generally don’t get their nails done (god I miss that), going to the salon is pretty important to most.
Actually the last time I got my hair done in Texas, I looked like a 1990’s beauty queen. I have thick hair and I suppose they decided to follow the rule.
‘The higher the hair, the closer to God’
Coupled with the reality that I had the pleasure of paying almost 200$, don’t forget that in the USA you need to add a 20% tip (we love our tips). Here to me, getting your ‘hair did’ is cheaper, I generally spend about 50-100 euros for cut, color and style. Also, call me a cheapo but I also almost never tip, however I do round the price up. For example if my cut costs 38 euros, I give them 40 euros and tell them to keep the change, everyone is happy.
Plus getting your hair done here is normally a fun experience. I remember when I was dying my hair from blond (bad phase) back to brunette the hair-stylist made me feel like a princess in the Aveda salon on via della mosca.
He winked at me and stood by like I was his ‘creation’ and exclaimed ‘Ma guarda come ti sta bene, ora ti faccio anche il trucco. Spero che stasera il tuo ragazzo ti porti fuori’.
“Look how great you look, now I’m going to do your makeup, I hope tonight your boyfriend takes you out.” oh snap, I just remembered reason #1344332 I adore Italy.
I promise you I didn’t pay him to say that but I did walk out of the salon feeling like ‘who’s that girl’ from my Madonna play list.
In order to save you the pain of going to the hairdresser when you’re not entirely comfortable in Italian, here is a list of valuable vocabulary to note (bookmark this in your phone). Just show the person taking care of you what you need if you can’t express yourself verbally.
Most of all, there is no need for tears of hairy frustration.
Lesson #1: Salone da parrucchiere = Hair salon
I should also mention that for men, you want to head to a barbiere which is a barber shop. You will immediately recognize the place because likely there will plenty of chatting old men, dirty espresso cups and all of the magazines are car-related.
First regarding appointments, yes you probably need one. Being that I rarely leave before three hours in the salon (sometimes even four, it can be a little nuts depending on where you go), be safe and and make an appointment ahead.
Remember that often salons are closed on Mondays. A simple “Buongiorno, vorrei prendere un appuntamento per un taglio di capelli, stile, colore”. By all means, you can ask them if they speak English but if you can, ask them in Italian so it looks like you at least tried to make an effort. “Buongiorno, parlate inglese?’
Getting A Cut? Read This First
Have no fear, ‘hair help’ is hear.
I know that feeling when your ‘parrucchiere’ (hair-stylist for women) has that ‘light’ in their eyes and is looking a little too ‘snap-happy’, this could easily turn into tears for the person in the chair. While yes, you can go online and actually look for the metric conversion on exactly how much you want cut off, just don’t. I will forever never understand why in the USA we use a different metric system than the rest of the world. Instead, I would just gesture using your hands or pointing to pictures, it’s just easier.
Back to basics: What do you need to know before?
First, a haircut is called il taglio di capelli while a hairdo is referred to as a pettinatura. If you want to ask how much anything costs? Just say Quant’è? Quanto costa il taglio? How much is a haircut?
Consolation is important so if you want to let the magic happen more naturally, if you’re feeling brave, just ask Che cosa mi consiglia? which means “What do you recommend?” If you’re waiting and you hear the hairstylist calling out ‘a chi tocca’ he/she is asking ‘whose turn is it?’
To describe the length of your hair, how long you want it to be, and what you want them to do
Long | lungo
Short | corto
Hair Part | la riga. Often they will ask you how you part your hair. Great! If you part it in the middle say ‘faccia la riga in mezzo’.
Trim | una spuntatina. This is a great one to really know, for just a small trim, say ‘vorrei solo una spuntatina grazie’. Or you can say ‘tagli solo un po’ – only cut a little.
Layers | scalati ‘fare un taglio scalato’ (layered style).
Asymmetrical haircut | Caschetto asimmetrico. Looking for something that is longer in front and short in back, like the Victoria Beckham bob? Make sure to say something like ‘Strutturato in modo da essere molto più lungo sul davanti’
More of a streamlined bob haircut that forms to your face | Caschetto di pari lunghezza ‘Liscio, ordinato, pulito: è un caschetto lungo semplice ma di grande glamour.’
haircut with two sides a different length | Caschetto con lunghezze diverse
Thin out | Sfoltire
Split Ends | tagliere le doppie punte
Bangs or Fringe | la frangia. This word is funny because it also can mean ’embellishing a story’ which I found out here.
Simple Phrases:
I want a haircut ‘Io vorrei un taglio di capelli’ (voglio un taglio is just fine)
I would like layers and highlights ‘io vorrei un taglio scalato e delle ‘meche o colpi di sole”.
Can you straighten my hair? ‘Potrebbe lisciare i miei capelli?’
Can you cut my bangs/fringe? ‘Mi potrebbe tagliere la frangia’
For men:
Beard | La barba
Mustache | I baffi
Sideburns | basette
Back of the neck | collo
Clippers | tagliacapelli or rasoio elettrico
Shaving creme | schiuma da barba
Soap or creme to make your beard softer | “recipiente” o “tazza”
Simple phrases:
Can you not cut off too much in the back ‘Potrebbe non tagliare troppo dietro?’
Just a little off the top. ‘Taglia solo un pochino sopra’
Can you clean up the area around my ears? ‘Potrebbe tagliare dietro le orecchie?’ or ‘Potrebbe farmi pulito?’
Hand gestures make all of the difference here ;-).
To describe your type of hair
Hair Type
Curls | I Riccioli
Dandruff | la forfora
Oily Hair | capelli grassi
Dry Hair | capelli secchi
Frizzy Hair | capelli crespi
What about color?
Streak | Mèche
Hair dye | Tintura
Highlights | colpi di sole
Bleach | decolorare, schiarire
I often say that my hair is capelli indomabili or untameable since sometimes it feels that way. It always makes them smile because obviously they get to be the ones that ‘tame’ the wild beast. Roar!
Wash & Style
Conditioner | Balsamo
Shampoo | Shampoo (yay that doesn’t change!)
Hair Gel | Gel (another translating ‘win’ – same sound too).
Lotion to ‘set’ your hair | Fissatore
Hairspray | Lacca
Wax | Cera
Comb | Pettine
Hair dryer | Phon, asciugacapelli
Blow-dry | piega
Perm | Permanente
Tease | cotonare
Wash | Lavare
Straighten | Lisci or ‘fare lisci’
Scissors/shears | i forbici
Happy with how you look? Tell them!
Everyone loves knowing they did a good job so to make a ‘bella figura’ (after they’ve given you physical one) say ‘mi sta bene’ which means “It suits me or I look good”.
Obviously you can ask just for the cut, color and style without getting a ‘piega’ (blow-dry) but it always feels a little awkward to leave without it in my opinion. I just go for everything since who doesn’t love a little pampering once in a while.
If you are wondering how much it costs to get your haircut, that is a lot harder to answer because it tends to really vary. Case in point, I probably went to three different salons last year in Florence and I always get the same thing, cut, color and style which at two out of three places was over 100 euros total. That price is not uncommon.
A few years ago my friend Megan introduced me to a place in piazza beccaria that charges only around 50 euros for all of those services and does a great job, although English is not really spoken there. Ok you’re not going to get a relaxing scalp massage or truly technical experience like at Renato or Wave but they do a decent job.
Consenso: Address: Via del Ghirlandaio, 8, Florence 50121. Tel: +39 055 660540
If you are looking for a place that speaks English in Florence: here are a few options
- Renato Coiffeur, Via S. Gallo, Florence. This is the cream of the hair crop (pun intended) when it comes to salons in the city. Big and always bustling, this is where the “per bene” (well to do) Florentines get their hair done and it’s easy to see why. Claudio and his expert team use the most innovative techniques to color, cut, tease, trim and then some. Recently I got my hair done (using henna color!) and was over the moon with my results. You can’t get better (my opinion) though be prepared to pay a little more than usual.
- Wave Firenze, Via di Santo Spirito, 27, Florence. This is my go-to in the city, also because they are located so close to my house and Fabio is essentially a magician when it comes to hair. The salon itself is beautiful, with high-ceilings, a huge lamp centerpiece and a comforting ambiance with spot on music playlists. Nadia and Fabio ate my go-to magicians here, they know how to cut my hair the way I like it but all of the staff are friendly and skilled. They also offer other treatments, eyebrow shaping, manicures, makeup for weddings and have working WiFi.
- Aveda ‘salone contrasto’, Via de’ Neri 49R, 50122 Florence. Phone number +39 055 282841. Nieghborhood: center (near piazza santa croce and piazza signoria). I’ve been there many times and I liked my experience though some of my friends weren’t happy with their haircuts. They do offer student discounts. I used to pay 80 euros for cut, color and style. Plus I loved the relaxing tea and scalp massage. There is also an adjacent location on via della mosca which I actually liked better.
- HairForce: Address: Via Ghibellina, 74, 50122 Florence. Phone:055 241736. Very popular with the student crowd, people are really nice, they have free WIFI and aperitivo on certain nights. I thought it was a little pricy if I’m honest. I paid around cut, color and style (2014). It’s really nice inside and very posh, even the Barber Capes are beautiful! Neighborhood: Santa Croce.
- Arthur Hair: address: Piazza Pitti 4R, 50125 Florence Phone number +39 0445 5285510. Neighborhood: Palazzo Pitti. I was there recently and he did a wonderful job and it’s close to my house. The only ‘cons’ were that it took almost four hours which is a little crazy (free WIFI though) and it was expensive, around 110-120 euros for a trim, color, style.
- Barber: Tellini Giancarlo, Piazza della Calza 2/r, Florence. Phone + 39 055 222345. Barber speaks some English and the price is good, around 14 euros for a dry cut. Neighborhood: Porta Romana.
- Contesta Rock Hair (salons in Florence and NY). I wanted to add a place that I heard was good for women of color to get their hair done. I’ve heard great things about this place and seems like a trendy fun place but I haven’t personally been myself. Locations here. Also Black Beauty,via dei ginori 44/r, Florence, Italy. Phone: + 39 055 289408.
What About Nails? Oh Yeah, I know a Place
Just a year ago, I couldn’t have told you where to get your nails done. This service seems to have been lacking in Italy for sometime now, or I just didn’t know about it but, thanks be to the gods, we have a place. Maniboo has just opened on borgo ognissanti, yes ladies, a true nail bar offering up everything a girl could want, including pedicure chairs and the show ‘Sex and The City’ on repeat. You can arrange a special girly day with your friends there and I can personally attest that they do a fantastic job! They take walk-ins but appointments recommended.
Maniboo Nail Spa, Borgo Ognissanti, 4, 50123 Firenze
055 265 7456, http://www.maniboo.it/en/
Added by You Guys: THANKS
- BH Salon, address: Via Borgo Ognissanti 12R, Florence, Italy (neighborhood: Santa Maria Novella). Phone number +39 055 2645561. This recommendation I got from Helen of The Florentine, who says they are ‘amazing at taming her crazy locks.’ Nicoletta is well-known among Italians as being a ‘hair master’ and while the prices are cheap, I am very impressed with these rave reviews.
- Genny Estetica, address: Via dei Pucci, 4, Florence, Italy (neighborhood: Duomo). Recommended by my friend Trine. This is a wonderful option for waxes including eyebrows – which I paid only 5 euros for – score!, facials, manicure, pedicure etc. Plus last time I checked, they speak English.
- Antonio e Marcello, address: Piazza Dè Salterelli, 6, Firenze, Phone: +39 055 238 1766. Neighborhood: Ponte Vecchio/Signoria). I got this recommendation from FB, Stephen Cordova said “I was pleased with a cut and beard trim from Marcello. Plus, he brought me a fine espresso from the cafe around the corner!”. That sounds like a fine deal to me.
- Eva Parrucchieri, address: Via Milanesi 61, Florence, Italy. Neighborhood: Fortezza Basso. Phone number +39 055 474885. This was recommended (below) by Alexandra Korey. The price seems to be quite on par with services offered, sounds like I need to try it!
111 Responses
What a lot of information!
If I ever manage more than 4/5 day in Florence I hall take myself off to
one of your recommended Salons for a hair-do and have the works! Article filed away for future reference.
Hello Mari! Thank you for your kind comment. I do recommend getting your hair done here – I have really seen so many talented stylists here plus it definitely serves as a bit of a cultural experience. Always happy to help!
I found a couple of places in the Isolotto area (or close) that are actually open on Mondays.
One is part of the Esselunga complex on Via Canova. It’s called Polverini. I call Monday morning and there is always an opening because Italians just don’t expect Hairdresses to be open. They are great. Price is very reasonable (for cut, colour and style) I’ve never paid more than 80,00euro. Discounts are from Monday to Thursday.
The other one always open on Monday’s is right by the carabinieri on via Starnini. They are all top notch hairdressers but it does come with a price. For the same thing I get at Polverini, I pay around 150,00 at Carlo Bay.
Hello Mary, thank you so much for your tips. I know a few places that are open on Mondays but they don’t speak English (good for us to know though). 80 euros for everything is a very good price, might be worth trekking it out there. Do you know if the one near via starnini speaks English?
This is such a good post for people, would have ESP loved it about 15 yrs ago when I was making frequent trips to various places in Italy. Now I live in SARDEGNA…where one can have a root touch up and blow dry with that flatiron thing for 15 euros. A cut might be 5-10 euros more. And, as you said, salons vary. The first one I used charged me double that. Then, my friend recommended me to the other one, and called them personally to make the appt. That made a difference. The closer you get to a city, the more you will pay. But it’s nothing like the USA where you pay way more…would say any tourist should make it part of their itinerary to have a haircut or style done during their trip! I always like to let them have their way for the style!
This is awesome, I’m getting on a plane to Sardgena just for the haircut prices.
Hello Janice, wait what – 15euros for a root touch up? I am seriously jaw-dropped! As Alexandra says. I need to hop on a plane and go there for a hair cut, it probably would still be cheaper even with the ryanair flight ;-). I am pretty happy to have at least one place that does a great job for a cheap price (50 for cut, color etc is pretty fabulous) but I always like to try new places, it’s just not that easy when you get ‘surprised’ sometimes with a bill for 120+.
I always recommend my hairdresser near Piazza Dalmazia. It’s not fancy, but they have never messed up, and it costs just under 100 euros generally for anything they do to me (ranging from colour to perm, plus wash, cut and dry). Here’s their Yelp page: http://www.yelp.ca/biz/eva-parrucchieri-firenze
One funny note: not getting the piega (hairdry) is bad form. I hate having them fiddle with my hair for 30 minutes, charge me 30 euros for it, and wreck it the next day or a few hours later since I am always going to the gym or something. So I vehemently refuse, but they won’t let me dry my own, nor leave with wet hair, so i usually convince them to do a quick dry …. then they don’t dare charge me for it 🙂 Not sure this trick will work elsewhere but go ahead, try!
I had a great UK-born stylist at the Aveda salone contrasto cut my hair and take me from a dark brunette to a gorgeous blonde ombre. Definitely one of the best cut/colors I’ve probably had my whole life! (And helped that there wasn’t a language barrier.) It took 5 hours and about 280 euros, but I would say worth it! I haven’t needed to color my hair since I had it done in May, since the colors blended so well with my natural root color. Definitely recommend this salon — everyone was so nice considering I wasn’t confident in my Italian-speaking skills at that point.
Ciao Alexandra, now that is impressive, I know when I went to blond from being a brunette many year’s ago, I was terrified! Good to know that they did a good job on your hair and it was of the best you’ve had. I’ve had my hair done at the adjacent location many times and actually always loved it, plus they were nice enough to give the 20% student discount well past when I was actually a student. Thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂
Thanks for this Georgette, its a great post and very useful! I’m still in the “going home for a haircut” camp but I want to get it done here in Venice so I don’t have to put up with horrible roots!! I shall definitely have to give this a try next time I need a cut and colour!! Keep up the fab work!! :o)
Hello Liz, I know it takes time to be able to trust someone to cut your hair, I truly do ‘get’ it. It took me awhile as well. But I’m sure can find someone in Venice. I have a few friends up there so if you want me to ask them for some names, just let me know!
YES! This is brilliant – I could have done with this 2 years ago when I got my first hair cut here. I was pretty scared as my Italian was minimal, and I had a white blonde pixie cut that I didn’t know how to give instructions about!
I went for my first cut and colour at the Aveda salon on the corner of Via De’ Benci/Neri and they were SO nice. There was one lovely lady who spoke English and helped the other stylists understand what I wanted. The service was lovely so I continued to go there for ages, enjoying the AMAZING head massages and essential oil treatments they gave.
They found my style quite shocking – such short hair and SO blonde! One stylist asked me to show him the finished look before I left, and the others were just a bit surprised to find their usually spotless black uniforms covered in little blonde hairs (Am I the only blonde who gets treated as though they’re the first blonde person Italians have ever seen?!)
Anyway, despite their amazing service, I was penniless and couldn’t keep going there, so I made the move to a place that was closer to my appartment at the time and that didn’t cost quite so much – Graffiti Hair on Via Della Collona. It’s changed hands since I started but the service hasn’t changed. It’s a tiny place run by a guy called Angelo – a great, kind, funny Calabrese guy who does a great cut and colour, has a fun chat and at a great price!
I love finding a good hairdresser and it’s been great finding one that suits me in my adopted city/country. And, at the end of the day, if we do have a language slip-up, at least it’s only hair – it grows back after all!
Hello Trinity, I know what you mean. I had issues finding a good place when I was blond and my favorite was the Aveda salon on via della mosca, as you said they do a great job but mamma mia, it was so expensive. Plus eventually my hair couldn’t take the bleach lol.
Glad that you were able to find another place that worked for you. I actually think this is a fascinating cultural experience because in any case, it does normally force you to speak somewhat in Italian and you can see the ‘hair norms’ in another country. Generally I have been really happy with all of the places that I’ve tried in Italy. #crossesfingers
I love the photo at the top… where is it exactly?
Hello Sylvia, I took this photo from the lungarno looking at via dei bardi near the Ponte Vecchio 🙂
Yes yes, 100 times yes! I am so in need of a haircut and have not known where to start. Thanks for your brilliant advice Georgette – I think I am going to give Aveda a go!
I’ve been to one of the pricy ones you cited. It was nice, but waiting 3-3,5 hrs and paying 125+ euros for a trim and partial highlight while to crammed in any drop in willing to pay AND not giving the receipt (furbi) unless I reminded them brought me elsewhere. Unfortunately elsewhere left me looking like a 1940s old lady as the Neapolitan insisted he knew better than me. Which brought me to a smaller salon which was ok. Like in the US, any place is hit or miss….just try try try.
My one curly haired friend only got her hair done back in Switzerland, her home, since she was convinced Italian female stylists tried to make her blond curls ugly on purprose. Lol
I don’t get why it takes so long! In the place in front of Palazzo Pitti, I started to go slowly insane after being stuck in the shampoo chair for too long. I guess I could have used the WIFI and read my book but then I would have had to carry that with me to said shampoo chair. Annoying lol. I think I will stick too my basic Consenso, 50 euros and they do a good job. Can’t beat that.
Amaaazing, just the post that I needed!! I was going to get my hair done in Naples a while ago but I was a chicken and waited until I got back home to Finland, even though the price was about 3 times what I would have paid in Naples. So thank you, perhaps I’ll be braver next time with your tips!
Hello Saana,I bet they do a great job in Naples, if you want I can reach out to a few friends and see about getting you recommendation. Where in Finland are you from? We were just in Helsinki in late December and I loved it!
Great post Georgette! Even after visiting the parrucchiere dozens of times, I still struggle with the right words. Next time I’m at the salon, I’ll put this right up. 😉
Ciao Sarah, me too! I remember trying to indicate that I wanted my bangs evened out and failing miserable, it looked like I wanted my head chopped off instead. Both Nico and I had fun looking this all up..
When in Rome. . . I discovered Noi in P.Navonna a few yrs ago on a photo shoot. I am a convert. They are like having my NY stylists in Italy. The Noi Boys
I’ve heard about those guys, a friend of mine also swears by the ‘Noi boys’ – I have to try them out sometime 🙂
thanks….another article on mani-pedi would be fantastic! I did have the most amazing pedicure in Florence last May and I need to go through my notes to see if I have a card for the place…the woman used some sort of a shaver thing and the skin shavings were just flying off my feet! I think that is illegal in the States and I have no idea how they know when to stop (before drawing blood) but it was just fantastic!
So much fun to read about the Words Of Hair! LOL! We always get our haircut in Pisa, at Lari Salon, by Davide each year when we visit. It’s SO much fun to be in a salon where you are the least literate in the language…luckily, Angela who owns the hotel in Pisa where we stay, runs interference for us, making the appointment, and confirming our “haircut date”. We never leave disappointed, and always get compliments from our friends here in the US.
So glad to find your blog from our girls over at Florence For Free.
Take care!
Hello Susan, thank you for reading the post. I thought why not make it at least a little humorous and not just add a few translations ;-). I’m happy that you have found someone that worked out for you. I know I am always a little shy at a new place, especially when I forget a (vital) word in Italian for what it is I want. One time I accidentally called my own hair ‘chubby.’ I love the gals at Florence For Free, we finally got to meet recently and I am so thrilled we did. Their blog is fantastic!
Hi Georgette,
My friend sent me this post so it is the first time on your site. I look forward to reading more! Thanks so much for posting it! I have only been here seven months and getting a haircut is traumatic. I am not in Florence so am toughing it out. My hair is TOO short now and I want it longer but also need maintenance cuts while getting there. Can you tell me how to say that? I know, stupid question. I guess I could say just a trim but they still tend to go overboard so if they know my aim maybe it would work better! Sigh.
Interesting, fun piece. After I moved to Rome a year ago, I blogged about my own quest to find a barber: http://johnhendersontravel.com/2014/02/27/retired-in-rome-journal-trip-to-roman-barber-not-such-a-hair-raising-experience/. I found one in Gildo, the self-proclaimed “No. 1 barber in Rome.” Unfortunately, he was also the oldest barber in Rome. He just retired. Now I have to find another. For a man to change barbers is like a woman changing gynecologists.
Great post, Georgette! I’ve been living in Italy for 7 years now and a lot of these hair words I still don’t know. This is really useful. (And, maybe will get me to be more adventurous instead of always just getting a spuntatina. 🙂 ) Brava!
Ciao Cindy! Thank you for commenting and checking out the blog, it is much appreciated! I too have lived here a long time and didn’t know all of the words but I realized that this might be an issue for more than just me ;-). I definitely recommend shaking it up at the hair stylist here, they generally do a great job!
Wonderful and very informative post, thank you so much for sharing.
Hi. Sorry but I never heard the other of “frangia” meanings. I might be wrong but i checked on a vocabulary on-line and frangia(except for bangs) means Gruppo minoritario che si costituisce all’interno di un’organizzazione, di un partito, di un’associazione
I think it might be slang if I am honest, it does mean the other description, but whenever I go to the hairdresser they refer to my bangs as ‘frangia’ so it could just be that it is the informal way to say this, it might not even have an official word to describe it.
This is probably the most original blog post I’ve read for a while! I doubt I’ll be getting a haircut in Italy any time soon, but I’ve had a good 10 minutes of laughing, thank you. 🙂
Thank you so much Lorna! I thought why just translate the words when you can have a bit of fun with it instead ;-).
Ciao Georgette! This article inspired me to go get my hair cut. I’d been growing it out and it was time to tame it back. (Context – I’m male.) I went to Hairforce on via Ghibellina. I’m in Firenze to practice my Italian, and your phrases helped me get started. I walked in one morning and they gave me an appointment for that afternoon. Francesco took great care of me and my hair. I was very happy.
This is a long shot. I’m going to Rome. I have extremely frizzy curly coarse hair that blow dried straight every 5-7 days, I’m British Moroccan . I cannot go out in the damp and obviously wet or my hair getsruined there is NO doing it myself. Sadly its the bain of my existence and drives me nuts. I’ve had my hair dresser for 20 years he’s middle eastern and it takes him 45 minutes of tugging and pulling BUT it looks amazing when the blow dry is done – no heated straighteners in sight, he works just with a few bristle brushes.
Anyhow I’m from Canada and Im coming to Rome next month (May) with a young good looking guy I casually date, he’s younger than me and has only seen me on days I’ve had my hair done, or the next day and I dont want to look like crap by the end of the vacation.
I’ll be in Rome for 8 days, I’m sure I could squeak by till the end if there is no rain, dampness, humidity etc but I’d rather get a blow dry on the 4th day.
So while this all sounds vain its my one issue that I fight with and I desperately need to find a hairdresser that can get my hair straight, someone thats been working with coarse, curly, frizzy hair for a few decades in Rome. I speak Italian, lived there as a kid, dont care what the salon looks like just that the person is qualified.
Thanks for all the pointers! Believe it or not, there are not many links or sites highlighting hair salons and their strong points. I’m so used to the Washingtonian here in the metropolitan area, that I think I have some research to do for my trip! I’ve noticed that you’ve been to most of these salons yourself…any one in particular that you would recommend for long layered hair? Thanks again.
Ciao Ida, I have definitely gotten a fair amount of emails from telling me they really needed hair advice so the inspiration was all from there. I do love checking out different places because you just never know, I was never the type of person to just go to the same person. For long, layered hair, I always thought that Aveda (via della mosca) did a good job on mine 🙂
A very practical post. I actually went without getting mine cut while I was there because of the fear of losing my hair that I love! ; ) I may want to pick your brain for this book I’m writing and makeup and hair suggestions would be helpful
I’m printing this out for my upcoming trip. I’m spending 9 weeks in Italy and since my grays grow at an alarming rate, I’ll need a salon at least 2 or 3 times this summer!
Hello!! Thank you for the fantastic advice!!! I actually just got a haircut in France and they left me looking like a poodle!!! I am in Italy now and would like to get it fixed… where do you recommend for curly hair??? Thank you!!
Getting a haircut in Florence was a bit of a challenge to get an appointment. I was getting a facial at Estetica Hito on Via De Ginori 17 when I asked the technician where I can get a great haircut. She recommended Renato Coiffeur on Via San Gallo but when her boss overheard her – she was quickly admonished for giving a “tourist” a recommendation. “They don’t take tourists!”. I laughed to myself and of course immediately set out to get an appointment there. It was daunting. It was not until I shamelessly name dropped (out of desperation) that I was from New York/Los Angeles (Beverly Hills) that the receptionist at Renato’s finally caved and gave me an appointment. For all that I went through, I have to say that they were great at Renato’s. They did the best highlights and I got a great cut. I brought along a photo of an actress from a magazine to show the style that I wanted. It worked perfectly. So even with all the nonsense and hoops that I had to jump through – I wound up with a fabulous cut. Lesson of the day – don’t be intimidated. The price was still cheaper than back in the U.S. even though this was a high end establishment.
Great post!! Im a Dutch girl on holidays in Sicily and will get a haircut tomorrow, thanks to your translated sentences i will (hopefully) get what i want! let’s see 🙂 Tnx!
Ciao Karin! Let me know how it goes!!!
Great information regarding getting a hair service in Florence. ….
GRAZIE- girls
Annmarie from Boston
Thank you very much for the info. I am getting married in April and I am having trouble finding a hair dresser and makeup artist to come to the venue (near Volterra) to do my hair and makeup along with some of the guests. Do you have any recommendations as it would be greatly appreciated?
Thank you
Salve Georgette,
Know where a girl can get a brazilian using hard wax around here? #itsthelittlethings
have you tried the Aveda salon on via dei neri? They should have you covered 🙂
I’m in Roma [Pigneto] for three months, so won’t be able to use any of the listed Florence places, but found this article super helpful. I have a short, asymmetrical cut [and also extremely thick hair] and just can’t wait it out for my return back to the States. I’m going to give it a go this week and, fingers crossed, with your help I’ll end up with a taglio di capelli bella! Grazie mille!
Hi Georgette,
Thanks for the article! I’m having my wedding in Italy, Tuscany, Montalcino and I’m really looking for a good professional hairstylist who could do a wedding hairdo for me and my girlfriends. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated
Hello Ev! My hairstylist (from Florence) was awesome — I really think you should contact her and her team to get a quote. https://www.facebook.com/adriennecerimakeup/?fref=ts
Thank you! I’ll contact her
Hi Georgette,
I’ve been loving your blog posts and made an appointment for the Aveda salon! Do you know how to say hair toner in Italian? My hair has been looking a little brassy lately so I want to get it toned but I’m not sure how to communicate that in Italian.
Thank you!
Hi, Georgette!
For three years, I’ve been going to Sergio at Maison de Beaute’ in Rome, near Piazza Navona – Corso del Rinascimento, 6. I live in the US, but visit each year. My appointment with Sergio is always within a few hours of getting off the plane in Rome! His English is excellent, and he doesn’t laugh at my ridiculous attempts in Italian. A cut, color and style (and oh yes that ahhh head massage) including makeup cost me 90eu last year. My next appointment (this is me, breathless!) is in *two weeks*.
Enjoying your blog.
Thank you Sandee, how nice is that!!! I think it is so lovely that you keep this sort of tradition and in Italy, they really do hair quite well!!!
Hello Sandee! That is such a nice story to hear, thank you so much for sharing. Sometimes you need to go with the person who is consistent, and who you trust, even if they are thousands of miles away. I think that is the sweetest tradition I’ve heard in awhile! Brava!
Hi Georgette!
I was working in Florence last summer and your blog was my go-to for monthly events in the city, where to eat, drink and shop and much more! So when I desperately needed a cut and highlights, since my roots were all I could see when I looked in the mirror, I remembered seeing this post. I was very nervous that the language barrier would be a problem (my Italian is atrocious). Your blog post was a life saver! When I walked into Aveda on Via de’ Neri, the man scheduling my appointment initially tried to speak to me in English but I was adamant on showing off what I had been practicing the whole walk there. I confidently said “voglio un taglio” and “colpi di sole” and scheduled an appointment. As few days later, I had my actual appointment and it was an amazing experience. Before I left the chair, I even commented “mi sta bene”. The only downfall was walking back to my apartment on Via Ghibellina with wet hair since I didn’t want to pay extra for the blow-dry. This could have been a very intimidating task but your blog helped give me the extra confidence I needed to step outside of my comfort zone. Thank you for sharing!
Ciao Lauren! Thank you so much for leaving this comment, it made my day! I was inspired to write the post on hair in Florence after so many friends asked me for advice on where to go, I just think this is not something you want to have misunderstood in another country. For both men and women… I’m happy you got a great haircut and highlights, you should be proud of yourself for making it happen!
Was just in Florence, was told a color would be 40 euro which was totally reasonable, 25 for ‘toner’ for shiny or whatever treatment they say makes the color look better which I usually do too back in the USA. But when they swiped my card, they had added in other charges, 10 extra euro for shampoo and 5 extra euro for ‘balsam’. Is this taking advantage of me as an American tourist who doesn’t speak Italian and what can I say to salons like this, who sneak in prices? I emailed them and their answer: “There is a sign in the salon with a list of prices.” and “All our customers pay these prices and are happy.” Which is kind of skipping my point.
I don’t remember how it was in other places but I do know here things are ‘a la carte’ and you have to specifically say you don’t want something done or else they might just go ahead and do it, I just think that is the way it is here. I agree with you though about the fact that they should ask you before they do ahead and do everything, it adds up quickly!
ok thanks. i just figure shampoo /conditioner is usually included.
I meant, is it worth getting credited back for the 15 euro for ‘shampoo’ though?
It just depends on how to feel about it 🙂
Hey Georgette!
We will be in the heart of Tuscany in May for my brothers wedding. My soon to be sister in law has hired a wedding planner who has just recently told us to bring in someone for hair and makeup it will be a total of 600 euros each person! That is obviously out of all of our budgets and in my opinion quite ridiculous. Do you have any suggestions on where we could go? I think we are only an hour drive from Florence so we may be able to make a morning trip out of it. We aren’t looking for cuts and colors, just curls or partial up do’s and a pretty face of makeup. Any tips would be amazing
That is a little pricey in my opinion too, I can definitely help! Regarding make-up artists, try reaching out to https://www.facebook.com/adriennecerimakeup/?fref=ts they did my hair but I know they do makeup too and I trust them completely. Hopefully you can do a trial run before the actual wedding (if you need it) , I might know one other person Ana who I’ve heard good things about as well.. http://papermine.com/pub/594485/.
The hairforce salon in via ghibellina has one japanese hairstylist that can cut anime style hair!
I am very happy? Her name is haru san
Hi Georgette,
LOVE your blog. I got a great cut back in California that will grow out nicely but definitely need a partial weave. Can you give any tips for helping define the color (I prefer ash blond over golden blonde — just like it currently is…)
Will the price be less for only a partial (please say yes. Our unexpected trip to London took a big bite out of the budget).
I’m feeling old/frumpy and jet-laggy. A partial will make me feel better.
Been here a week, looking forward to 5 more!
Thank you! This was invaluable for my first trip to a hairdresser in Italy! xx
Getting a haircut, Milanese style – 2016: The Year of Italy
Happy that it helped Sarah!
I’m going on my first trip to the hairdresser tomorrow. Reading this gave me the push to make my first appointment. Thank you for taking the time to blog about this and give very helpful pointers and advice!!!! Grazie miele!!!
You’ll do just fine Jeannie, let me know how it goes!
Many thanks for this. I’ve been in Florence for a month and have two weeks left before returning to Sydney so feeling brave enough to visit a salon. Great blog. Have used it while planning this stay. Am fellow Beagle owner and Moscow Mule lover… But it must have ginger beer. 🙂
you are very welcome Maureen! How nice that you have a beagle too, what’s her name?
First haircut in Italy – perfetto! Grazie mille!
Di niente!
Hey! Great read. You mentioned your friend Megan introduced you “to a place in piazza beccaria that charges only around 50 euros for all of those services and does a great job, although English is not really spoken there” Do you remember the name of the place? I live right by there and am in dire need of a cut.
Hello Steph, sure! Consenso: Address: Via del Ghirlandaio, 8, Florence 50121. Tel: +39 055 660540
Hi Georgette,
My sister and I took your advice and made an appointment with Wave – fantastic! Even had a facial! Wonderful people, great cutting and colour and the facial was very relaxing.
I’m thrilled you guys had a good experience. I always suggest them personally as I actually know them and trust them completely with my crazy mane. 🙂
My go to place is WAVE at
Via Santo Spirito, 27
I went here in the fall when I was here for 2 months and got my best hair cut ever from Favio. I knew than it would be safe to move to Florence and I did 3 weeks ago. I couldn’t wait to go back and get my hair trimmed . Just as good the second time as the first. Favio is an artist
That’s where I go as well Sally, how funny! My go-to girl is Nadia, she knows my hair better than I know my hair. Congrats on moving here!
Ciao Georgette, this was such a great post, very helpful. Thank goodness there’s a recommended nail salon…walking around the city over the course of a week or two definitely demands a pedicure. I’ve tried the Aveda salon for a cut and foils in the past, also Hair Force. I was more comfortable in the Aveda salon. My two attempts at a pedicure were not so great. The first place stuck me in the back room with my feet in a plastic tub. When she pulled out an old shoebox full of ancient nail color I knew I was in trouble. The second pedicure was at the Four Seasons spa…it’s an absolutely gorgeous place. However, the pedicure happened right after my facial, actually while I was on my back. A tub of warm water was placed on the end of the table, and I had to place my feet in the water. I looked like I was ready to give birth…so ridiculously uncomfortable and weird. All in all it was an adventure trying to figure things out regarding haircuts and pedicures. Your guidance during those 3 months was invaluable.
Ciao Anna Marie! Apparently nail salons are starting to pop up more and more! I really happy with Maniboo even if it is still a “luxury” for me to do. The ambiance is very warm and welcoming which makes it like a little spa getaway as well. I’m not a fan of hair places that do nails too, also because they aren’t trained experts. What happened to you was pretty much the same for me when I’ve tried in Florence (ironically also at Aveda). Regarding Four Seasons, that’s hilarious! “about to give birth” almost made me spit out my ice coffee! I mean let’s get real here, no one wants to have a natural birth while getting a pedicure.
This was great!!! I have a hair cut nightmare story…about Italy. I asked for a bon and walks out with a super Euro, liked mostly-like-a-German-pop-star-from-the-90s bob. Otherwise known on this American Girl as the “village idiot” look. This was day 3 in my 14 day vacation. Luckily my friend connected me with his guy in Salerno at a salon called Hair&Hair. This reminds me…I should totally blog about this. Thanks for the story. Funny and informative!
Oh my word Carrie, that sounds like a nightmare. I like German pop stars but from the 90’s is a little much. I don’t why that conjures up images of double denim. Nice to know that you found a decent place in the end! And if you do blog about it, send me the link!
I’ve been ‘holding off’ getting my hair done until I reach Firenze. Thanks for such a great article. I was reccomended to go to Neri Marco. do you know it?
Hey Paula, you’ll be just fine. They do great hair here. I haven’t heard of them but if someone you trust has tried them, go for it!
Hi Georgette!
My friend and I are travelling to Florence for a wedding which takes place on a Sunday very soon. I was very happy to find your blog and it has lots of usefull information – thank you!! There is still one question open for me: what do I do if I need a hairdresser on Sunday?! Of course, there are some guys who would come to your place for 100 EUR per hairdo but we just would not like to spend that much at the moment. I had a look and called some hotels but many of them do not seem to have such services at all.
Do you know a solution by occasion? We do not need anything too special.
I would be very grateful for any ideas!!
Take care
So timely. We will be in Italy for 51 days with a month and Rome. My wife has been worrying about this for a while so thanks for you great post !!!!
Ciao! this is a fantastic blog!
i am visiting Firenze July 23-25 (on honeymoon) and have my heart set on cutting 8 inches of my hair off and donating it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths for cancer patients. I have been growing my hair for the last 2 years so this is a Big deal.
Your information here helped me to select Aveda Salon Contrasto. I am worried about getting an appointment so I sent them an email, but have not received a reply yet.
Here is what I said (in my broken italian):
Io vorrei un taglio di capelli per favore. Mi chiamo Crystal. Sono di Florida, United States.
Visito Firence presto la luna di miele. Fare un appuntamento el martedi, 25 Luglio di mattina per favore?
voglio donare otto pollici di mi capelli a “Pantene Beautiful Lengths.”
molto grazie,
Crystal Corrigan
Should I call them???
I want to return to the US a transformed woman 😉
Crystal (also fellow Beagle owner and Moscow Mule lover)
Ciao Crystal! What a noble cause, that’s really awesome! I would recommend calling them because from my experience many small businesses are not that great at answering emails. I’m sure they can fit you in! Ps. love that you are a beagle owner and like moscow mules, we’re two peas in a pod.
Thank you so much for the useful information!! Just what I need right now!
Could you tell me how do I say “trim off the back” in Italian?
You are welcome Yvan, say “Solo una spuntatina dietro” 🙂
A thousand thanks!! I love your blog and it really helps me a lot…every simple thing gets difficult in Rome. Must do lots of research before getting my hair cut.
Cheers for the info. Any idea how I ask for a ‘choppy’ cut? I’ve tried “disordinato” (the barber stared at me) and “non voglio un taglio perfetto… un po piu lungo, un po piu corto” (horror spread across his face).
Thank you for these usefull informations. I do need them when.
I have just subscribed to your blog and am pleased to have found it.
Oh, how I wish I had all the information in this post at my fingertips the first time I had to book a trim when I was an au pair in Italy. I put it off for many weeks until my hair resembled a rather straggly mess!
This was in the days before Google Translate so I pointed at the word ‘trim’ in my English-Italian dictionary and watched the poor hairdresser like a hawk before the took the first snip for fear that she would hack too much off. Thankfully all was fine in the end.
In recent months I have been writing a book about what I learned about the Italian lifestyle and how I continue to incorporate those learnings into my everyday life here in the U.K. The bel paese and her convivial, charming people touched me in a way that no other place I have visited since has quite managed.
Sarah http://www.livechicandwell.com
Hi there! Thanks for the information! I’ve been trying to figure out how Italians refer to the dark part near the scalp or what we call “roots” when going into the salon for color or highlights? Do you happen to know? Grazie mille!
Hey Shelby! Roots are radici in Italian so I would say something like “metti colore sulle mie radii” or put color on my roots. Hope that helps!
Hey, Do you have any recommendations for waxing? I have just moved here and need to find an experienced bikini/brazilian waxer that doesn’t use strip wax! HELP! haha Thank you!
Thank you for the information. The article is very good and given each and every point in details. Good job. keep doing great work.
Great info. What about coloring in specific who would you recommend in Florence? Doesn’t matter the cost but need a magician
I would definitely go to Fabio at Wave Firenze, he’s my color guru so if you need a magician, he’s your guy!
Nice Article, Great information for a good cut, Thanks
Thank you!
Instagram and got to review them here in your post. You know I have such a thing for Italy and every time you go I feel a bit more inspired. I am aching to to go, but I’m waiting for the right opportunity as I want to be able to “live” it once we get there. In the meantime, I’ll just keep visiting Italy vicariously through you.
Ciao Emma thank you for taking the time to comment. And I do hope you get to live it up here very soon!!
I got a spuntatina at Hairforce on via Ghibellina 72 on Monday October 11, 2021. Joe did a great job. My cut, shampoo and blow dry totally exceeded my expectations. Price was great- 45 EUros. I would highly recommend that salon. Music was soft , employees kind and caring. Definitely a “10”!!