Many people don’t think of visiting the Eternal city in November, when it starts getting cold but in my opinion – it may just be the best time to go. I went for a work-related event for Insidersabroad.com. We held a fall cocktail at the beautiful Domus Talenti location and though my trip was short and sweet, I have to say – Rome was never prettier. The weather was perfect to the touch – not too cold, not too hot with the sun shining bright (until 5:30 that is).

Instead of pushing your way through throngs of tourists and sweating your way into the Vatican – going off-season may just be the only way to go. Also check out the awesome panoramic views all over Rome, I couldn’t get enough.

Scenes from our fall cocktail – the turnout was awesome and I met so many awesome expats including Sara and Rome for Expats .

Last but not least, I can’t resist leaving Roma without having one last slow cappuccino (even if this did cost 5 euros), this time with Liz – an awesome American attorney living (and working) in the city. Au revoir beautiful city, I will be back.
0 Responses
I agree – and try my best to visit these ‘hot-spots’ out of season. They have much more appeal when the thongs of tourists aren’t there! 🙂
absolutely! and it was still sunny (I don’t know about Today). I was in Rome this May and it was just insanely crowded, I am used to this in Florence but I know it like the back of my hand and can thus navigate my way around people better (unless they are on segways) haha.
Ciao, dove a Roma hai avuto la tua ultima cappuccino? Grazie mille!
si chiama “Gran Caffe Rossi Martini” in piazza del colosseo, devo dirti che un cappuccino costa 5 euro (pero era buono e come vedi, molto carino)
Your trip sounds wonderful – you’ve made me jealous! Lovely photos too. Brava!
thanks Kirsteen! Even if it was a ‘work trip’ I still had a lot of fun, Rome is too beautiful not to photograph 🙂