Yes, I really did use the term ‘food baby’ in the title of this blog post. That alone should convince you that I don’t use this blog for SEO purposes… but instead as a vehicle for my twisted agenda to convince everyone to visit the Truffle Sagra in Girone which lasts almost the entire month of September. I first mentioned this annual event in my september list of events and my craving got the best of me resulting in having to go the actual first day of the event.
It was chaotic as the first days of sagras {local food festivals usually run by volunteers} usually are. Though the number counter wasn’t working, we grabbed a number as soon as arrived anyway and eventually figured out that number 45 was never getting called. Local volunteers run the event so you tend to give everyone a break and there is a general ease and comfortable atmosphere surrounding the people there who all know and grew up with one another. After all, it’s a sagra!
We wrote down our order on the piece of paper you list your order on and I might have gone a little crazy. Bruschetta with truffles? Sure! Taglierini al tartufo – you betcha! Don’t forget rigatoni al tartufo and oh don’t forget the truffle beans and… crepes with nutella? Obviously I have to try that. Can you see the ‘food baby’ resulting from this gastronomic overdose?
The thing is, I really like truffles. They have this magical, intense flavor that is so fragrant and wonderful — it’s no wonder it’s so expensive. The truffles used here aren’t of the pricey white truffle variety but hey, they are tasty! I recommend trying a variety of different dishes to get the full ‘tartufo’ effect. Prices are very reasonable, my delectable plate of taglierini al tarufo was just 7.50 which is a steal! Portions are abundant so share a few side dishes, or contorni as they are called.

Right so after this much food, what’s a girl to do? Head over to the next door Circolo of course and get an espresso and a shot of lemoncello to easy the digestion process. Like I have always said, just bring up the word ‘digestion’ in any conversation and you will get nods of approval and/or understanding. Even when I finish a meal when visiting America, I long for my end-of-the-meal espresso shot.
Or you can be like this guy I spotted at the circolo, minding his own business and enjoying a little tv. I bet he had a plate of taglierini al tartufo himself. Bravo..
Girone – Fiesole (Florence). Just take the number 14A bus, direction Girone from the Santa Maria Novella Train station or Piazza San Marco. Girone is the last stop {about 20 minutes} and the sagra is open daily from 7:30pm onwards. The festival runs until the 29th of September and will be closed two mondays (the 9th and the 16th).
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0 Responses
I can just smell and taste those tartufi!
nam nam!
By far the best festival I did last year in Firenze, and I did a LOT of them.
I highly recommend getting the fried egg with truffle, so basic but for some reason it just works so well.
Also, if you get the beans–which you should, they are damned good!–get the fries. Dip them in the truffle oil the beans come in. Be in heaven.
the fried egg with truffle is amazing! good call on that one. I think i know what to order next time I go!
The tartufo festival in San Miniato in a couple months also does the fried egg with the truffle (as well as truffle FRY BREAD), and it’s even better. Ah, to be back in Tuscany!
That’s the most famous Truffle fair though i have yet to go, I will try and make it this year though!
Thanks for the great photos I can’t wait to get on the bus!
me too! I am craving sagra round two soon..
Holy crap, when did Girone get a Truffle festival?!?!?!
They sure do! amazing rt??