It’s about time for a little session of ‘Locals I Love’ and this week’s protagonist happens to be a good friend of mine, Yasmine Hassani. She’s French, fabulous and living in Florence with her boyfriend Svebor teaching French around town {including helping me – god help her}. We met through mutual friends being that we have a pretty international group which I love.
Like me, she runs around the city during the day teaching various clients – we both have a fond love-to-hate relationship with the ATAF Firenze bus company. Not to mention a shared love for wine, shoes, stinky cheese and gossip – let’s be honest here what more could you want in life than the occasional bitchfest? ;-).
Basic deets: name Yasmine HASSANI – nationality French – profession Teacher – favorite drink? Red red wine !
How long have you lived in Florence and where are you from originally?
I’m from Bordeaux, France. I have lived in Florence since February, 2012.
What brought you to bella Firenze and why did you decide to stay
I’ve always wanted to live abroad….. but….in the US!
One day, as i was questioning myself about my future, my boyfriend came back home and told me : I had a job offer… Would you like to live in Florence Italy for a year or 2?
We decided to sell everything we owned ( except shoes and clothes 😉 ) i left my job and the adventure began….

What are you up to in Florence? Work, daily life, passions?
I teach french and i also work as a translator.
My daily life can be crazy : I run all around all day long from one place to another.
I love my job, and it’s important because sometimes i have to work at night and on Sundays…
What annoys you about Florence? Tell me the truth!
Sometimes tourists can be really annoying but what I hate the most? BUSES !!! This is something that can really drive you crazy
Um, right there with you. Especially when they resemble a sauna and the bus driver hates the world! Do you think life in Italy is for everyone? Why does it work for you?
I think you really have to be open-minded. To be honest, I had no expectations and really wasn’t looking for anything in particularly. Well, Ok at least a job – but it was not some kind of quest or anything like that.
What advice would you give a newbie?
Meet Georgette or read girl in Florence that girl knows everything !!

HA why thank you? Did I tell you how awesome you are lately? ;-). Three finds/places everyone should know about in Florence?
If you love shopping you definitely have to visit The Mall or Barberino Outlet!
Piazzale Michaelangelo at sunset and Rosignano Solvay Beach
What’s the weirdest thing you have seen/experienced in Italy?
My neighbor!! If we are outside on our terrace talking she actually pours water on us and doesn’t even bother to say anything first!
What? I think we should set up some water balloons for her next time ;-). What can you do here and nowhere else?
Now I know I could never eat a pizza somewhere else!
How did you make friends and assimilate?
Internet and networking
Favorite food {or recipe}.
Wow… I don’t know ! Everything here is good… Last time I tried Tortelloni alla Mugellana … It was so good I ordered some for dessert too !
That’s my girl! Tortelli for dessert, brava! If you had to make up a tagline for the city – what would it be? 😉 be creative!
Florence, the City of your own Renaissance
Thank you so much Yasmine for being my latest victim and also for having the extreme patience to write/speak to me in French. It’s pretty painful how hard it is for this girl to learn languages. I can’t wait to see what is next up for you and Svebor in life, where you might live in the world and what you might do.
All I know is that wherever you may go, glass of wine in hand, hopefully you will remember Florence fondly :-).
0 Responses
It’s so funny to read that many of your “beloved locals” hate the buses and the public transportation in Florence. You should stay one week in Rome and try things out there. Then you are going to be very happy with how things work in Florence 🙂 I actually think things work great here. But of course… everything is relative. You can always find better and worse places in terms of everything.
Ciao Georgette!
Jen Nangle’s mom and I have been friends since college days and when she found out my family (6 of us) rented a villa in Toscana she told me about your blog. I have been following and taking crazy notes on Firenze ever since. However, you have overwhelmed me… I feel I have to live there, not just visit!
My question to you is: our 4 “kids” are your age, so I was wondering if any of the people you have interviewed would be interested in planning one or two day excursions to Firenze for us. We will be staying in Sinalunga. We would love to hire a personal guide. My goal is to use our time efficiently (avoid queues if possible), eat great food (thanks to you I have lists of places to go), see things the locals love, and hopefully avoid family drama by having a plan,( that might be tough)! We have the villa from Aug 24-31. Please let me know if you can help, and grazie mille for the excellent info.
Just came across your site, love it! Gorgeous pics too.
Thank you Kiki! 😀
Special to Michela simoncin “how iz ur interview?