Girl in Florence

A Tuscan Texan immersed in Florentine life

Message for American Citizens: How to Vote from Abroad


Did you know that all U.S. citizens are eligible to vote by absentee while living or traveling abroad? In just five minutes, Americans can register to vote, and request their overseas ballot using Here’s how:

First: U.S. citizens can ABSOLUTELY vote from abroad (and should). Let’s face it, The right to participate in our democracy doesn’t end at the U.S. border – it follows wherever you go. Thanks to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986, U.S. citizens living outside the country are guaranteed the right to vote by absentee ballot in federal elections, including state and local elections in many states. 

No matter how long you’ve been away or when you plan to return, your vote as a citizen counts. I know it sometimes doesn’t feel like that, and I’ve had my moments as well. Collectively, there are an estimated 2.9 million Americans living abroad, yet data from the federal government reveals that most Americans abroad don’t know they are eligible, don’t understand how to get their ballots, and do not vote as a result. 

However, it’s worth noting that American expatriates of voting age is a voting bloc with the potential to wield substantial power, if fully activated.

In 2020 alone, the federal government estimated that fewer than 8% of U.S. voters abroad successfully registered and voted in the election. That blows my mind in so many ways. Understandably, most Americans found the process frustrating – the same survey reports that nearly half of those eligible wanted to vote but didn’t know how or registered after deadlines had passed. 

Let’s change that!

How to vote in the U.S. 2024 elections while abroad created a free, easy-to-use online process to make it possible for any eligible American to vote, from wherever they are.

1. Request a Ballot

Go to to use their free easy tool that helps you fill out your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). The form only takes 5-7 minutes to complete, and when you’re finished, the tool will help you submit the application to the appropriate local election official. When possible, it will submit it on your behalf via email and you’ll be CC’ed.

2. Receive

Ballots for the upcoming November 5, 2024 election will start being sent on September 20th, and all voters abroad can elect to receive their blank ballots electronically.

3. Return

Whether you get your ballot via email or postal mail, the final step is making sure your ballot gets back in time. (But it’s never too late; reach out to your local election official if you run into any problems or are worried about timing). All voters can choose to print their ballot and either mail it back or deliver it to a U.S. embassy or consulate but some states allow voters to return ballots electronically. When you receive your ballot, you’ll get instructions from your election officials about which options are available and you can choose which is best for you.

But whatever you do – don’t delay! Election Day is coming soon and deadlines vary state by state! Get started right away at to make your voice heard this November.

This is a sponsored post but I have personally vetted this website and basically would recommend this to anyone I know and love. 

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Georgette Jupe

Welcome to my personal blog by a curious American girl living and working between Zug, Switzerland and Florence, Italy with my husband Nico, our newborn Annabelle and Ginger the beagle. This space is primarily to share about my love for Italy (currently on a 13 year romance) with a fair amount of real talk, practical advice, travel suggestions and adjusting to a new culture (Switzerland). Find me on IG @girlinflorence @girlinzug

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