Italy is known for their coffee. No one would ever dare dispute the fact that Italians just… do it better. What is missing at times however, is a comfortable spot for a tea, coffee and a chat with a good friends or for moms with strollers near the center. I have compiled a list of great places to hand out and get a soy cappuccino (if that’s your thing) here.
Teatro dell’Ozio is a new cafe in town, near Piazza Alberti and close to Piazza Beccaria, a french-style tea room and concept store. I have really never seen a cafe like this in Florence so I felt it worth a blog post mention. After walking by a few times with t-man, me and a friend finally went inside (their opening hours are a little strange..) and tried it out. The decor is beautiful and classy best described as shabby chic emphasis on the chic. Inside we sat on a big comfy couch facing the window, I felt like I was eating in an Anthropologie store. Along with serving hot drinks, it is also a speciality chocolate shop, with desserts to drool over and pretty gifts on display.

For awesome photos like the one above check out my friend Mollie’s site and the lovely mama in the photo is none other than Katey from La Vita e Bella Blog (she & her husband are kick-ass web consultants living in Florence).
Looks pretty dreamy right? Yes this place is real, and also happens to be really good. We both ordered tea, my friend Megan got a mint concoction that I sneakily snuck sips from while I got a nice cuppa Darjeeling. We both tried a coffee-flavored macaron and when someone actually reaches into a class case with gloves – you know they mean business. Despite, the show, the macaron was perfection in a drop, soft and the taste of coffee powerful, I was one happy girl in florence. The prices were realy surprising too, the special teas cost around 2.50-3 euros and they also have hot chocolate and regular coffee. Their desserts range from 1.50-4 which is what you get for not being located exactly in the center, hoorah!
While I wish I could take credit for the above photos they are the official ones from the store. The one on the left here was my 6pm snack this past week. I was feeling a bit peckish so I decided to get this pretty pink doughnut that also happened to be filled with jam. Dunkin Doughnuts eat your heart out – this place is a slam dunk.
Teatro dell’Ozio : Via G. Lanza Firenze 23, Firenze (fi) Italia. Facebook page.Closed Monday. Open Tues -Thu 9am-12:30. 3pm-7:30pm, 9pm-11pm. Friday and Saturday. 9am – 12:30pm, 3pm-7:30pm, 9pm – Midnight. Sunday open from 9am-12:30pm, 3pm-6:30pm.
0 Responses
Firenze – a beautiful city. Before I left the city, I made sure to rub the nose of the boar! I must return…
double yum!
I was wondering what that place was! About a month ago they had a grand opening and my boyfriend and I happened to be in zona and saw there was a big party atmosphere….lots and lots of prosecco for all passersby but most people were in, like, cocktail attire. seriously. We couldn’t get a good look inside because there were so many people. But yeah, it looked like Anthropologie, lol.
You should try it! I have been making a weekly visit because it’s THAT good!
Ah, is this place next to Ganzaroli?! I passed by it and almost melted with happiness! It looks so sweet and charming, straight out of a fairy tale book.
yes it is close! you should totally try it, we should go together sometime soon!