Rain rain go away, or rather .. why not hang out for a bit? While Florentines and foreigners alike cursed the beginning of monsoon season in our city, I actually somewhat came to terms with it and prepared for a lazy, relaxing few days before the hectic mess that is my normal work-week. Friday night, I couldn’t muster the strength to head back into the center after lugging my enormous 10-pound laptop bag from work (you better believe I use the bag to bump my way into a bus seat) so, I called up some friends to come over to my house for girl chat, wine, and pizza from across the street. Girl nights are the prescription every ex-pat girl needs honestly, I feel very grateful to have found good friends, and it is extremely important to me to put in the effort and the time to maintain these connections. Not to mention we all share a common love for sarcastic banter and red wine. When I hear people complain about their busy lives and obligations, I nod politely but inwardly always think that everyone has a half-hour a week to spare for people that matter.
Saturday, I woke up to mama Luciana bringing over a package that my dad sent me from America. For me, getting a package from America is equivalent to North Korea successfully launching a satellite, needless to say, I was indeed a happy camper. Inside the heavy brown box contained all sorts of goodies, trivial pursuit, Bananagrams, pop-tarts, flavored cashews, homemade peanut brittle, yogurt covered pretzels, skittles, magazines, spices, gravy packets, Cadbury creme eggs, toothpaste, and bacon-flavored popcorn. BACON-FLAVORED popcorn, my god, do people really need that? Who am I kidding, I am sure someone does.

So after immediately ripping open some pop-tarts ( you can take the girl out of America but, you can’t take the… you get the point ) and enjoying a sugar-high, the ensuing guilt inspired me to make a fabulous peanut-veggie dish for lunch which, ended being out of this world. Thank you, Pinterest/new obsession. http://naturallyella.com/2012/03/23/spicy-peanut-sauce-with-brown-rice-noodles-and-veggies/ there’s the recipe ( I added some cashews to my dish ).
Saturday night, we headed over to Pizzaman to meet t-mans friends, which is really a fail-safe when it comes to satisfaction. All pizza is not created equal in Florence but is one of the first options that always come up for dinners out since, quite frankly, pizza is cheap. The one we go to is outside the center via Rocca tedalda, and the first time I saw it immediately noticed the window ‘art’ featuring a volcano exploding with pizzas. Keeping it classy every time, Pizzaman. I always get the Caprese with fresh cherry tomatoes and mozzarella bufala, and of course, we had to share a coconut and Nutella cake.
Sunday ended up having the most bi-polar weather switching from rain to sun in a span of an hour so, we ended meeting friends for brunch at the diner, which by the way, has the tightest mini-booths known to man. You can squeeze in four but get ready to get intimate with the person opposite to you. We did a little window shopping and stopped by a really cute store called Citta del Sole near the Duomo that has educational games, picnic backpacks, cool gadgets, and really cute photo trees. I never really noticed it before, but it’s actually a great place to pick up a gift.

Tonight we’re headed back to The Odeon to see the last film for the Middle East Now Film Festival. They are having an aperitivo featuring Iranian food before the feature, so needless to say we’re attending that as well, did you say… food? I was really impressed with their first film showing, the place was packed with people, and the director patiently answered questions at the end. The people organizing the event are clearly very passionate, and it really shows. I always make it a point to come out and support these events in Florence, and I just happen to love the movies too.
This week it’s work as usual, and t-man and I will be heading to Rome on Wednesday since my bosses at www.insidersabroad.com will be in town. The website is launching their 2012 business directory and having a party at h club-doney on via Veneto in Rome. There will be aperitivo and wine, only 7 euros from 7-9 pm Wednesday night, more details can be found here http://insidersabroad.com/italy/forums/activitiesevents-7/topics/save-the-date-insiders-abroad-directory-launch. If your in the area, stop by and come say hi! Just look for a taller than average brunette with an Italian by her side shoveling anything edible down his throat. That will be us!