I feel a need to comment on the freezing cold temperature icing every man, woman, and child in Florence at the moment. I know someone in Alaska/Midwest/Canada/Russia is probably shaking their head right now thinking you think this is cold? But you know what it is freezing…! I can’t feel my hands when I forget to bring my gloves on the bus and well everyone else in Italy seems to be getting snow but us here in Firenze. It doesn’t really hinder daily life, I still head off to my work(s) and sip tea like an English wanna-be.. but all I want to do is strap myself to a traveling electric blanket like this model ( bet she didn’t think she would be modeling this.. ever)

or possibly shrink to baby size and have t-man push me around in a blanket filled passegino …OK I get that it’s kinda sad when your actually jealous of warm and cozy babies on their passeggiata ..tsk tsk
The Italian news of course is extremely dramatic and showing flashbacks of last year when the city was stopped in December due to the quick and dramatic snowfall; images of cars stuck on the fi-pi-li and people walking home like a post-apocalyptic dream. La NEVE screams from every corner but when I look outside the window each morning like a kid on Christmas.. all I get is this sad sight…
basically some type of rain like snow-mist that I have to squint to see.. even ROME has impressive photos circulating facebook with the Colosseum covered in snow and people already digitally enhancing gorgeous photos. Even the Republic of San Marino is covered in snow up to the first floor (yikes! ) and the news here would have us believe Florence sometime in the near future could look like this…would have us believe Florence sometime in the near future could look like this..

right! ( there still time.. ) so this cold Texan is back to sipping chai tea and watching episode after episode of Mad Men. Have a great weekend everyone, and stay safe .. steer clear of Italian news, snowmageddon, and ATAF ( aspettare tanta alla fermata )

4 Responses
you are unlucky, the past 2 years were incredibly cold for us, usually Florence has mild (but very humid) winters as it is expectable here, being in Southern Europe.
Florence isn’t usually snowy, infact even Athens it is much snowier than Florence(check the 2-3 snowfalls they had this year).
Enjoy my wonderful city that I miss alot while I am in Washington DC working (and yes this year in Dc we had no winter!!!!).
well the last two winters it actually did snow in firenze, last year the snow fell quite fast causing many motorists to be stranded in their cars on the autostrada and people to “Florence: A Portrait — Michael Levey-like” walk home from the center since public transportation wasn’t running. For some weird reason though, If i am in firenze, there is no snow lol.. have you lived in florence before?
Yes indeed I am from Florence……….I lived all my life there until I graduated then moved abroad, Germany, London Holland, San Diego, LA ,Chicago and now DC, I come back often though, 2-3 times a year, sometimes 4.
Infact the past 2 winters were anomalous as said before, we had incredible cold and snow, but normally we see a dusting every 5-10 years. Winters can be annoyingly humid but not cold, normally and now it starts the best time f the year 🙁 I miss being there a lot. Avoid Florence and anything south of it after June, it can be extremely hot, 110 is easy to reach…..
Enjoy Florence as it is a little very international city that can offer a lot, nightlife too even though it got worse compared to 6-7 years ago. Check the places in Santo Spirito,like Volume or Dolce Vita in Piazza del Carmine.
that’s awesome. I am actually from Texas originally ( san antonio ) and I am no stranger to extremely hot and humid weather, I consider the weather here mild ( but.. that being said, I need air conditioning! , especially for July since lately August has been more mild than Luglio ) . I absolutely love it here, I have been here since 2007 full-time and my boyfriend is a Florentine 🙂 , there is a lot to do , I agree with you about the oltrarno, it’s where I recommend people to go as the vibe there is so different than lets say, Santa Croce. As far as living in Florence, even though opportunities work wise can be hard for us , we still manage ok for the time being. I do sometimes wish that I could have just one normal job and make a normal salary, which usually means I have to juggle three jobs. if you don’t mind me asking, how is it for you being Italian living in the states? I am always curious to see the other side of situations 🙂